First, we need to mention what helmet he uses. WALTERRIFIC uses a helmet called AFX FX-41DS, but he refers to it as "Venator Mark II". Now, this isn't a helmet from one of the biggest brands such as BELL, Shoei, AGV, etc. It's also an extremely unique design. Due to the design, the original helmet chin mount, which is generally the best option for helmets, is not compatible with this particular helmet. It appears WALTERRIFIC, who says he prefers to use a chin mount when possible, is using a standard GoPro style mount. Unfortunately, because of the nature of the helmet design, only about half of the mount is touching the helmet.

So clearly, it's not an ideal setup and it's not extremely secure, but there's really no other options for this helmet. If you're needing a chin mount and you have a more standard motorcycle helmet, you should take a look at our MotoRadds Original Helmet Chin Mount. It's generally the cleanest, strongest, and best looking solution available.
Let's move onto his GoPro mic adapter setup. This is usually the most obtrusive part after the GoPro itself. It's a pretty bulky, black, box and it's a proprietary product necessary to run a mic on any GoPro 5 and later. WALTERRIFIC hid his inside the helmet itself. The way he did this was by slicing an 'X' shape into the mesh covering of the chin vent. It's a pretty smart way of running the wiring through an indiscreet hole. He then affixed the mic adapter to the inside of the helmet. Once this is set, he was able to run his microphone in the helmet.
(WALTERRIFIC cuts an 'X' into his vent mesh cover)
Overall, it seems to be a clean setup. The chin mount method he used, as we said, is not the most secure method of mounting since the full surface area of the mount isn't affixed to the helmet, but it's the best option for a symmetrical camera placement on his particular helmet. The mic adapter is well affixed on the inside of the helmet and the wiring is discreetly run to the outside of the helmet. Overall, he's able to maintain the unique, decorative, look of his helmet while having a well-centered POV. Who knows, maybe one day, MotoRadds will make a chin mount especially for WALTERRIFIC's helmet!